Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Fell asleep!!

Yesterday was my first day of college!

In my country, Portugal, older students do "praxe" on freshman ... okay just go search "praxe" on Wiki in English because I don't feel like explaining now , sorry .

I came home looking like thiiiis ~~ after a bath of eggs,flour, vinegar, yogurt >.< and stuff.
Plus I can't wash my t-shirt , I need to use it everyday until Friday.
Yesterday I got home dead tired .... ANDDD today I was supposed to go buuuuuuuut I felt asleep .... 
But since I bet no one notices me ,tomorrow I will go and it will be everything okay !

Today I hope I can get everything ready and pay for JLPT!

See you ~~

Sunday, September 9, 2012

On Wednesday I received my new book for the preparation of JLPT.
Althought I have already a book that gives me grammar,vocabulary and all I was a little concerned because the book, Genki II , was the old one .
So since I own a Nihongo Challenge book for Kanji, that I loveeee , and wanted to give a try on the Grammar/Reading Comprehension one I decided to buy it. image
I ordered the book from “White Rabbit Express” , came with SAL everything was okay and next time I will order from them again.image
So far I’ve been loving the book , I’m just using it just as reviews for JLPT 4 and I loveeee it!
Genki II has a loooot of explanation on the grammar , which sometimes can make people sleepy ,expecially if you’re trying to learn by yourself in a super hot weather .
Nihongo Challenge is not like that has everything synthesized with exemples and then exercises like the ones from JLPT.
If you want to do other type of exercises you can just change the exemple phrases that they give and put other vocabulary , play with it , also is so good that most of the things are in Japanese because that way you can train the reading part in the grammar part .
Recommended !! image

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Hellooo ♥

Decided to get a blog , since I really enjoy blogging and I take photos which are  really anoying to print them to put in my journal .

Since I don't get much about templates,is going to take awhile to stay with a blog looking like I want,
meanwhile I will keep blogging ~~image

                                                               Until next time ~